Pain Free Gardening

There’s nothing more flattering to a home than a well kept yard, well-trimmed shrubs, and well-tended flower beds. Likewise, a vegetable garden that produces a bumper crop of tomatoes, turnips, and green beans is most flattering to its owner. Unfortunately, all too often gardening is painful for its participants. Gardening and landscaping are great exercises […]

Old Automobile Neck Injuries

Question: Dear Dr. Caraotta, I was in an automobile accident two years and hurt my neck. I was taken to the emergency room and the doctor checked me over and took an x-ray. He said the x-ray was good and he gave me some pain pills. He instructed me to go to see a doctor […]

New Years Resolutions: Setting Your Goals

The New Year sparks the famous time of reflecting on the previous year and making plans to improve the year to come. This is often done in the form of resolutions. For some people this may be to loose weight, get a better job, stop eating sweets, give up smoking, or to start exercising. Most […]

Neck and Back Disc Injuries

Butch was in a car accident, sustained a whiplash injury and had pain down his right arm. The emergency room doctor examined him and took x-rays. He advised Butch that he had a neck sprain. The patient was sent home and instructed to follow up with his medical doctor. His medical doctor examined him and […]

Message to Fathers…written in 2001

Mental health specialists tell us that the father – daughter relationship has a dramatic effect in shaping the future of our daughters. Someone once asked, what is it like To have a house full of daughters, two bathrooms, one wife. It’s Sunday, oh no, we over slept! Lets hurry – lets quickly get our girls […]

Mental And Physical Health Hazards

There are two philosophies of approaching health care. One philosophy is “if isn’t broke, don’t fix it”. People who adhere to this philosophy make statements like, “my cholesterol is good so I don’t need to limit bacon, eggs and other greasy foods”. The other philosophy of health care is “if it’s not broke, do all […]

Managing Back Pain

Many patients ask practitioners, If a person has pain in a muscle or joint, and waits long enough, will the pain go away; and if it goes away does it mean that the problem is gone?. ANSWER: Many pain syndromes can gradually remit with rest and time, however if the cause of the problem is […]

Low Back Answers

Dear Doctors, Q. I heard that it is never good to bend forward at the waist when lifting. If a person gradually exercises to get their back muscles stronger, would bending this way be permissible? A. This is a good question. It would seem logical that if a person performed back strengthening exercises, that their […]

Knee Rehabilitation

Dear Doctors, I just had a right knee replacement, am going through physical therapy and am having a lot of problems. My left knee is now starting to give me problems. I don’t want to go through another replacement with my left knee, because of the complications I have had with my right knee. I […]

Knee Problems

Dear Medical Health Ministries, I have been a runner for seven years and have never had any knee problems. Recently, I have been experiencing pain in my right knee after running for 20-30 minutes. My questions are how common are knee problems, is there something a person can do to prevent them and should I […]