Mental And Physical Health Hazards

There are two philosophies of approaching health care. One philosophy is “if isn’t broke, don’t fix it”. People who adhere to this philosophy make statements like, “my cholesterol is good so I don’t need to limit bacon, eggs and other greasy foods”. The other philosophy of health care is “if it’s not broke, do all you can to prevent it from breaking”. The latter philosophy is commonly termed preventative. Part of a preventative lifestyle is determining ahead of time to make wise decisions in the choice of foods, the type of activities we engage in and controlling environmental factors. Sometimes we have little control over environmental exposure around us, and in these cases compensating through diet and nutrition may be of paramount importance. One could write a book to fully encompass the scope of this subject. For the sake of space and time, below you will find a list of things to consider.

1. be aware of side effects of all medications, including over the counter medication.

2. be aware of what chemical additives and preservatives in foods can do to you.

3. Be aware of the physical complications and psychological recourse of having elective or unnecessary procedures performed such as breast reductions or enhancements, abortions, and taking steroids to build muscles.

4. Be aware of what toxic fumes can do to your liver and lungs.

5. Be aware of the dangers of the physical and psychological recourse of promiscuity including the devastation of sexually transmitted diseases.

6. Be aware of the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle.

7. Strive to have a good family life so as to avoid the stress of divorce and discord.

A person could take all the vitamins they could tolerate, eat all the vegetables they could stand, and exercise one hour a day; but if they are not respectful of items above they are at risk.

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