Preventing Muscular Injury

Often time patients ask us what they could do to prevent injuries and where do we think their muscular injury came from. Typically injuries come from a variety of stresses that are exerted on a muscle and joint. Often times this occurs when muscles are “cold” and not warmed up. What do we mean by […]

Posture Traps

Soft, sagging chairs. Soft lumpy mattresses. Nonadjustable car steering wheels. Low feet-in-front automobile car seats. Rigid school desks. Modern sofas with curved backs or no backs. Everywhere, we are surrounded with furniture and devices that not only do not help our posture, but in some cases do damage to it. Chronic poor posture can lead […]

Postural Attitudes

Have you ever looked at yourself as other see you? It’s the rear view that is apt to be most traumatic to our egos. The seat may look bigger than we thought; the hips may look flabbier; the back line more rounded; and the shoulders more sagging. Are your shoulders, belt or hem line level? […]

Post-Accident Arm Pain

Dear Medical team, I was in an automobile accident last week, and since that time I have had numbness down my left arm and shoulder pain. My arm didn’t hit anything during the accident, but my neck jerked back and hit the head rest. My friend, who is studying to be a doctor, said that […]

Post Accident Syndrome

My uncle and I were in an automobile accident 16 months ago. He was driving a Ford Explorer and when trying to avoid an accident, he went off the road and rolled the vehicle. I only had pain in my neck and back for a week or so. My uncle, however, had a more serious […]

Post Accident Roaming Pain Syndromes

Many patients ask why their pain seems to be moving around when they are being treated for an injury and what is the significance of this. In many cases this is a good phenomenon, since we know that when a patient has pain that is stationary, it is a much greater injury. It is never […]

Post Accident Cervical Disc Herniation

Dear Medical Solutions, I had a car accident last March and had right shoulder and arm pain that ran down to my fingers. I went to the emergency room after the accident and the Doctor told me I had a shoulder sprain and gave me pain medication. It felt better when I took the medication […]