I have tendinitis in my arm and this is interfering with work, and activities around the house. From a Chiropractic and Orthopedic stand point what could be done for this and what could I do at home. If I need to get treatment, I want to do so expediently, because I am a landscaper, am over booked until August and need to use my arms daily.
Tendinitis is an inflammation in or around a tendon, a band of fibrous tissue that connects a muscle to a bone and transmits the force the muscle exerts. Tendons are designed to withstand bending, stretching, and twisting, but they can become inflamed because of overuse, disease, or injuries that leave them with torn fibers or other damage. The pain can be significant and worsens if damage progresses because of continued use of the joint. Most tendinitis heals in about two weeks, but chronic tendinitis can take more than six weeks, often because the sufferer doesn’t
give the tendon time to heal. Diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, and gout can slow healing. Individuals with occupations that require repetitive movement as well as weekend athletes who exercise sporadically rather than regularly are more prone acquiring these syndromes. Certain tendons are more prone to tendinitis, and depending on the area, treatment protocols will differ. Some of the more common joints that are prone tendinitis are the thumb, the elbow, the ankle, and the knee. Below you will find some general things that could help prevent this condition.
1. When engaging in repetitive activities, take frequent rest breaks if possible.
2. Avoid poor ergonomic situations by improving postural attitudes.
3, Working smart, using alternate muscle groups to accomplish the same tasks, and varying or frequent changing of a work station could be helpful.
4. Use ice over the affected area.
5. Eliminate offending activities when possible.
From a rehabilitative standpoint, utilizing physical therapy, ultrasound, soft tissue and osseus manipulation, interferential current, Guasha, Kinesio tape, and advise patients in specific exercises can be helpful.
Exercise and treatment protocols must be introduced at the proper stage of healing. If for example a person exercises an inflamed joint, it could become more inflamed. If your problem persists, after performing some of the home instructions seek out a Chiropractic – Orthopedist for an evaluation.