I Can Do All Things Through Christ…. By Pastor Ron Hamm

I Can Do All Things Through Christ

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil. 4:13 One of the first verses of the bible I committed to memory after being saved was this verse. It is one of the greatest motivational verses in the bible. The world accepts and promotes the first five words of the verse but ignores the most important part –through Christ! The message of this world is “I can do all things…” – perhaps through positive thinking, self-confidence, networking or by attaining enough money and power. The world is constantly in a power struggle to get more, but we have all the power and provision we need in Jesus Christ. Thus saith the Lord, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” The two words “through Christ” make all the difference in this world and eternity. The world’s motivational teachers stress “our self” in the pursuit of dreams and accomplishments, but the Lord stresses the importance of living our lives through the grace and the power of Jesus Christ. In the end, the wisdom of Jesus is far greater for He said: “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world yet lose his own soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?” Matt. 16:26 Jesus said, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

One of the greatest things we can learn in life is that we can’t do anything of eternal significance without Jesus Christ. Oh, the peace that floods our souls when we let go and let God have His way. We can enter into that rest of faith. It’s still a faith that works, but at the same time it is at rest, trusting the Lord to bring about His purposes. For we who have believed do enter that rest. Hebrews 4:3a Saying and believing this, “I can do all things through Christ,” fills our lives with faith in Christ to accomplish His purposes not only in this world but in preparation for the next! Augustine wrote a book called The City of God in which he contrasts the people of God beginning with righteous Abel with the people of the evil one, beginning with Cain. The two cities are represented by Jerusalem (the city of the King) and Babylon (the city of Man, Nimrod, Anti-Christ and every foul spirit). There is spiritual warfare going on every day. The two cities are invisible but nevertheless very real.

For Me to Live is Christ God sees the spiritual battles taking place every day, and sends His angels to help the people of God. We must realize that our fight is not against individual people but against the powers of hell that control them. We must do what the bible tells us to do and put on the whole armor of God if we would defeat the enemies of God. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Eph. 6:13 Oh, how we need to do all things through Christ so we can advance the city of God on earth.

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