Don’t Let Skin Problems Scar Your Life

“My daughter is eighteen years old and has a skin problem. She won’t go out with boys, hides her face when she meets people, and is so obsessed with her looks that I am afraid it is affecting her emotionally”. writes a worried mother.

A common problem-yes! A necessary problem-no! Too often, skin problems are written off by parents as being the norm for adolescents. Let’s look at acne, the most common of skin problems among young people. It is a hormonal disturbance. The secretions of female and male hormones effect the sebaceous glands in the skin, causing them to produce more oil. As oily complexion often is the forerunner of acne, pimples, blackheads, and other facial eruptions.

While the hormonal activity may very well be present during adolescence, the problem need not. If allowed to continue until it runs its course” into adulthood, it may result in scars on the emotional as well as the physical make-up of the individual. The right diet, hygienic measures, exercise and specific treatment can overcome most skin problems. In most cases, it comes from eating a non-balanced diet, and the wrong foods. Often, it is an intake heavy on packaged junk foods and greasy fast food restaurant menus. While hamburgers may be a teenager’s delight, they don’t do much for the skin of a person subject to blemishes. It is recommended that greasy fried foods, iodized salt, spicy foods, shell fish, chocolate and animal fats be avoided. eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, and drink lots of water.

Vitamin supplements are also recommended, especially vitamin A. Cleanliness is also important to avoid skin problems. The face should be washed frequently with a detergent soap. The mistake often made by victims of skin problems is to use creams and cosmetics to cover the blemishes. The best thing for your skin is soap and water to keep your skin as free of oil as possible.

Adequate sleep and regular exercise can help as well. Exercise relieves tension and promotes the balanced functioning of the body.

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